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Cardiac rehabilitation
Rehabilitation is the sum of activities required to influence favorably the underlying cause of the disease, as well as to ensure the patients the best possible physical, mental and social conditions, in orer to preserve or resume when lost, as normal a place as possible in the life of the community. According to the recommendation of the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, cardiac rehabilitation programs should contain nine core components, as follows:
- patient assessment, risk stratification
- physical activity counseling,
- exercise training,
- nutritional counseling,
- weight management,
- lipid monitoring,
- blood pressure monitoring,
- tobacco cessation,
- and psychosocial management.
In general, cardiac rehabilitation is beneficial for most chronic cardiac patients. Patients who are considered the most qualified include those who have experienced 1 or more of the following conditions sometime within the previous year: MI/acute coronary syndrome, heart surgery or percutaneous coronary intervention, stable angina pectoris, chronic heart failure, and peripheral artery disease.

Weight loss program
Obesity is a leading and growing contemporary health problem. Overweight is a cardiovascular risk factor and favours the development of orthopaedic disorders. The obese patient’s way of life changes, featuring shrinking physical perspectives and distorting psychical condition, resulting worsened quality of life and reduced life expectancies.
We have elaborated our special weight loss program with our partners, and it has proved to be effective in almost all cases. Hunger typically faded away in 2-3 days. The target body weight has been reached by 3-5 kg monthly weight reduction. The radical dietary restrictions implicating very low carbohydrate and fat content can be introduced and maintained, in addition, the ongoing medical supervision and laboratory check-ups guarantee safety. Nevertheless, there is no need to get hospitalized to keep this protocol, and this might be the most important for the patients!
In case you are fighting with your bodyweight, just do not hesitate, join our weight loss program! Turn to us with confidence!

Smoking cessation program
Smoking is one of the main cardiovascular risk factors, increases the frequency of a wide range of malignant diseases, leads to chronic respiratory syndromes, and what is less known; virtually all organ systems get affected. It is of note that in general, smokers die ten years earlier!
Apart from health issues, there are several other factors that emerge against smoking. Among several others, importantly, smokers seem older than their age-mates and this destroys self-esteem. The negative general opinion might lead to some kind of social marginalization and isolation. At last, we cannot ignore, that this habit is costly.
Giving up smoking is not easy. It is well known, that even in case of strong intellectual commitment medical assistance is generally needed. Our methods in concert with temporary add on drugs results 80% success rate.
If you have problems with giving up smoking and you need help just do not hesitate, join our smoking cessation program! Turn to us with confidence!

Diabetology and lipidology
Diabetes and high cholesterol level are major atherosclerotic and cardiovascular risk factors. The appropriate treatment of these widespread metabolic disorders fundamentally improves the patients’ condition, lengthens lifespan. During the long term care, the blood sugar and cholesterol are set to an optimal level according to the recommendations included in the international guidelines. We are board certified specialists of diabetology and lipidology; therefore we are ready to help with sugar and cholesterol problems either as part of a cardiovascular checking up or even in case of a lone metabolic abnormality.

Our cardiovascular screening program
In the Western World, the majority of people die due to cardiovascular disease, and from 30-40 years, cardiovascular mortality is over 50% of total mortality.
The majority of cardiovascular diseases are atherosclerosis related, and the underlying risk factors can be easily identified. Therefore, regular screening tests, risk stratification, lifestyle counseling, and appropriate drug therapy lowers the chance of morbidity, and prolongs life in health.
Gabor Andrassy, M.D., Ph.D.
Specialized in internal medicine, cardiology, and cardiac rehabilitation. Certified in lipidology and hypertonology.
Dr. Andrássy has been in practice since 1986, at present he is Chief Physician in Cardiology and Cardiac Rehabilitation and he is also the Medical Director at Budapest Saint Francis Hospital. His main interests are echocardiography, preventive cardiology and treatment of coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, as well as cardiac rhythm abnormalities. Dr. Andrássy has received the M.D. degree (with summa cum laude) from Semmelweis University Medical School Budapest, in Hungary. Later, at the same university he has earned a Ph.D. degree (with summa cum laude). He has published extensively scientific papers in several areas of cardiology for which he has earned the Rectors Prize in Research. Dr. Andrássy’s peer-reviewed publications have appeared in prestigious scholastic papers like the American Journal of Cardiology, the Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiography,The Journal of the American College of Cardiology, and The Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. In addition to his published research contributions, Dr. Andrássy has presented his research findings internationally and lectured extensively on arrhythmias, cardiac ultrasound, heart failure, and the pharmacological and lifestyle management of cardiovascular disease.
Dr. Andrássy completed a cardiology fellowship at the Semmelweis University Heart Center and participated in a cardiovascular training program at the Virginia Heart Center at Fairfax Hospital, USA.
Dr. Andrássy is Hungarian board certified in Internal Medicine, in Cardiovascular Diseases and Cardiac Rehabilitation, Diabetology and Lipidology. He is a member of the Hungarian Society of Cardiologists and European Society of Cardiologists. He has taught medical students continuously for more than 25 years.
Dr. Andrássy also maintains a part time private practice providing primary and consultative cardiology care, including a variety of non-invasive cardiovascular tests.
Dr. Andrássy is ad hoc reviewer for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Nature Publishing Group), American Journal of Cardiology, Heart (BMJ Publishing Group), etc.
Zsófia Trummer, M.D.
Specialized in internal medicine and cardiology. Certified in diabetology.
Dr. Trummer graduated “summa cum laude” at Semmelweis University Medical School in Budapest, Hungary. After medical university she has worked at the Department of Cardiology and Cardiac Rehabilitation at Saint Francis Teaching Hospital in Budapest. Dr. Trummer has got board certification in internal medicine, cardiology and diabetology. Her main interests are preventive cardiology and the treatment of coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, as well as cardiac rhythm abnormalities. Dr. Trummer treats also patients with diabetes, and she is enthusiastic for preventive cardiology and smoking cessation programs. Dr. Trummer held several lectures at many cardiovascular conferences in Hungary, and as co-author, she has published in first line international medical journals. Dr. Trummer started her private practice in 2015. She is a licensed expert in echocardiography and she is skilled in 24-72 hours ambulatory electrocardiography. Dr. Trummer is member of Hungarian Medical Chamber, Hungarian Society of Cardiologists and European Society of Cardiologists. She has taught medical students for several years. Dr. Trummer has GCP (Good Clinical Practice) qualification.